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What makes Learning Tree a Co-op?


We are a dedicated group of families who co-labor to provide a safe place for homeschool families to learn, grow and make new friends. Our co-op can only be successful when each family makes a significant contribution of time, energy, and skills. For this reason, we have specific expectations regarding families’ commitments. This includes teaching/aiding, subbing, and cleaning. Beyond specific job requirements, we need all of our families to come together as a community to create a supportive environment for all.


Are you a school?


No, we are not a school. We provide supplemental classes for homeschool families. Although we offer both academic and elective classes, they are not meant to be a complete curriculum. High school families can pick from an array of classes that can be credited toward their high schoolers transcript if they choose.


Why would I want to join a homeschool co-op?


A homeschool co-op provides parents and students with friendship, a support system, social activities and educational opportunities. Some families come mainly for academic classes while others come mostly for electives. For various reasons a homeschool co-op is not always the best fit for everyone. If you find Learning Tree is not the best fit for your family you may want to check into one of these other Cincinnati area co-ops.


What if I am not sure whether or not to homeschool?


We are fortunate that Cincinnati has a strong homeschooling community and many wonderful support systems. We strongly encourage you to check out Christian Home Educators of Cincinnati (CHEC). CHEC offers a wide range of support, encouragement, and activities to the Christian home-educating community in the Cincinnati area, benefiting both experienced home educators as well as those just beginning to investigate home education as an option for their family. They hold monthly meetings, field trips/outings, social events, etc.


Can I drop my child off?  Do I have to stay?


We are not a drop-off program, but on occasion can make an exception for some high school classes. We are a co-op, which means we co-labor with each other and God to achieve creative excellence by serving each other through our strengths. We require all members to serve as part of the co-op. A drop-off family is required to be on a cleaning rotation (typically somewhere between 5-7 consecutive weeks) or pay a cleaning fee of $10/wk with a $60 cap.


Are your classes taught with a Christian focus?


Yes, many of our classes incorporate prayer, scripture, and a Christian focus. Teachers agree to present materials in accordance with our Statement of Faith and a Christian worldview.


What ages and grades do you include?


Our classes are intended for Kindergarten through 12th grade. We do provide preschool for younger siblings of K-12th grade students participating in our co-op.  Our preschool is not a complete program and is meant to be supplemental for younger siblings. We typically do not admit families until their oldest child is in Kindergarten (5yrs old).


Do you provide nursery care?


We provide nursery care for our teachers and our aides during the hours that they are working in classes. We do not provide nursery care beyond this.


When do you meet?


We meet 30 Mondays starting the first Monday after Labor Day and ending before Memorial Day. We have about a month off from mid-December to mid-January and also the Monday after Easter. We meet Mondays from 10:00am-2:35pm (3:00pm for science labs), with an optional hour at 9:00am for high school and middle school.


How many classes would we need to enroll in?


The majority of our students take four 55 minute classes from 10:00am-2:35pm (3:00pm for science labs), with a 30 minute lunch from 12:00 to 12:30. Some families enroll for an additional 5th hour. This is available primarily for high school and middle school students at 9:00am.


What are the parent co-op job requirements?


An adult representative from each family is required to work at co-op as part of their family membership.
We require:

  • 2 hours of teaching or aiding for families who have a child enrolled in 3-4 hours. New members are required to enroll their child(ren) full time or 4 hours.
  • 3 hours of teaching or aiding for a child enrolled in 5 hours
  • 1 hour of teaching or aiding if a child is enrolled 1-2 hours

The adult must remain on the premises at all times. All families are also required to help with one 5-7 week cleanup rotation after co-op each school year and each parent is required to be on call during their free hours for our sub rotation for several weeks each semester.


How long is your waitlist?


We often have a waiting list and new members are admitted when space becomes available. We take into consideration the prospective member’s willingness to fill co-op needs, the ages of children and how much space we have in those age groups.  Example: We may have room for a high schooler, but not a preschooler so a family with only a freshman, whose parent is willing to teach, may be admitted before a family with younger children, even though the family with younger children completed an application first. Our waitlist does not roll over from year to year. 

We typically do not admit families until their oldest child is in Kindergarten (5yrs old). We also take into consideration Learning Tree member referrals, returning Learning Tree members, and family affiliation with the Vineyard.


What curriculum do you use?


Curricula that is used varies and is up to the teacher. With the exceptions of high school math (McDougall Littell), and most high school sciences (Apologia), we do not use one specific curriculum. The same goes for our families at home. We have a variety of goals, teaching/learning styles, and curriculum.


Are your classes the same every year?


Yes and No. We offer a variety of classes in social studies, language arts, science, math, fine arts, and PE each year. The subject of classes do change year to year depending on the needs/interests of the co-op and the availability of teachers. However, for our high school, we try to offer many of the same needed academic classes yearly, or have them on a rotating schedule. 


Do I have to teach?


Our co-op can only be successful in offering classes when everyone is involved. Therefore, we encourage people to teach. We usually accept teachers into our co-op before accepting non-teachers. We do, however, understand that some years individuals are not able to teach and may need a year or two off until they are ready to teach again. Teachers agree to present materials in accordance with our Statement of Faith and a Christian worldview.


What is tuition?


Every family registering is required to pay a $150 non-refundable Annual Family Membership Fee. Yearly tuition is $140 per student (3 or more hours of classes).  Families pay for a maximum of 3 children. Teachers receive one child’s tuition free. Nursery is provided free of charge while you are working in a classroom.

Additional Fees:
High school students pay an additional $120 charge per student per year.
Consumable fees vary by class and include, but not limited to, high school science(s), preschool, art 


Do you require background checks?


Yes, we require every member to get a background check. These cost $35 and is good for around 7 years.


When is tuition and the cost for the background check due?


The $150 non-refundable Annual Family Membership Fee and for new members a $35 background check fee is paid before registration. After registration, tuition invoices are sent out. We have several payment options with the most common plan being to pay a minimum of 1/4 of your balance by the end of May, 1/4 in August, 1/4 in September and then the final payment by the end of October. Once co-op begins, tuition is non-refundable and you will be responsible for the full year tuition even if your family drops from co-op.


Where are you located?


We are located in the Children’s Ministry area of Vineyard Community Church in Tri-County in the Cincinnati area.


Who leads Learning Tree?


Learning Tree is an all volunteer community.  We have a leadership team that is passionate about homeschooling and making Learning Tree a success. We are a non-profit organization who has a Board of Directors that oversees major policies and decisions.


Do I have to attend Vineyard Community Church to join?


No. Learning Tree is not affiliated with VCC, although we are grateful for their support and use of their building. Some of our families do attend VCC, but the vast majority do not.


Can I visit?


We hold occasional Open Houses in the late winter and early spring.  During the open house you will be able to learn more about us, take a tour of the facility, have your questions answered, and learn about our application process. By contacting us we can notify you of our upcoming Open Houses.


How do I join?


First, families need to attend an Open House. At the end of the Open House, we provide visitors with the next steps on how to proceed with the application process. If you inquire about joining when Open Houses aren’t an option, we ask that you reach out to the co-directors at [email protected]